What is the Best Wedding Gifts: Wedding Gifts for you

What is the best wedding gifts or what are the best wedding gifts? Either way, your desire is to find some great wedding gift ideas that will inspire you. This question will depend much on the couple getting married or the celebration of their anniversary. Many people waste their money by buying gifts that will not be used because they do not suit the recipients. It is very important to give thought as to the likes and the dislikes of the couple for whom the gift is being bought. Many times, simple gifts might be just what is needed and will be a well-used blessing but in other cases it will be exceptional if you can provide a legacy wedding or anniversary gift. As legacy gifts are usually more expensive, if this option is chosen it will take more planning and cooperation. If you are a close relative or friend and have the ability to purchase the gift yourself, that is fine, but in many cases people will cooperate together to make a legacy gift possible which will make a lasting impression on the couple. I will start by describing some top legacy wedding ideas and then later in the article I will give some suggestions for specific gifts that people can consider if a legacy gift does not fit.

Top Wedding Gift Ideas

Top wedding gift ideas are given in love and understanding of some unique challenges of every situation. Each must be assessed on its own merits but can be powerful ways to demonstrate real love and concern. A poor couple that had to struggle to save up enough money to pay for their own wedding will be looked upon differently from a couple who are getting married but the parents have paid the complete costs of the wedding. There is no formula that will work for every situation but each needs to be considered on its own merits.

A super wedding gift idea is to provide a holiday for the couple, either jointly with others or if you are able and so desire you might decide to do this yourself. It is possible, if you know the couple well, to determine what would be a good holiday. It could be a localized trip to somewhere special or it might include a trip to another country. This will of course depend upon finances available but it is surprising how much can be collected. For example 250 guests each giving $30 will be $7500 that could be given as a special unforgettable trip that might make a huge difference in their long-term relationship.

Another legacy gift will be the purchase of a fine dining set. If a set of four beautiful dining dishes and utensils are bought, ever anniversary you could add to the overall set. When special wedding anniversary milestones were reached, a wedding anniversary plate would be made with a picture of the couple to add to the set. If proper care is taken, this becomes a legacy set of china that can be passed sown for generation after generation.

Another legacy gift would be to buy matchi9ng his and hers luxury watches. If these are properly maintained, they will last and can be passed down many generations. It is very special if the bride can marry and use the wedding ring of her grandmother, for instance. The ring or the watches will only increase in value over time.

Special Wedding Gifts

Special wedding gifts will only receive this designation, if they stand out and are above and beyond the norm. It is the difference between buying a pot set that would be useful for everyday cooking and one that is stainless steel and of a higher quality. I would reason that if the gift givers can not afford a quality gift then it is better to plan with others to buy a set and split the cost, even if these gifts are wrapped separately and given by different people. It will be amazing for the couple to see the set coming together and add to the experience.

If the couple owns their own property the installation of a water purifier or water softener can make a huge impact and be considered as a special wedding gift. Everytime a bath is taken or cold water is taken, they will remember the special moment that they received the gift.

A special present might also be an opportunity for the couple to share more of their lives together. For instance, if you purchased a set of progressive dinner or dinner theater tickets, they will have some exciting date nights to look forward to being avid skiers might mean that some ski tickets would be in order. The thing to remember is that to be considered special it needs to be unusual but well-received.

Cool Wedding Gifts

To give cool wedding gifts, you need to have knowledge of trends in the industry. It seems that many couples are adding more outdoor activities or parties to their list of cool items, presently. Outdoor lights and Christmas lights with gas powered pizza ovens or even complete outdoor kitchens are a raze Couples are enjoying the great outdoors more. Small outdoor rooms in remote locations seem to be the perfect get away. If the couple is ecology friendly, recyclable and sustainable items are in with some couples thinking that even a special donation to an eco-friendly charity is cool. Couples seem to be embracing simple pleasures such as more reading time, home cooked meals, time for gardening and relaxation. In fact many urban dwellers are making small gardening centers in small spaces for fresh herbs and vegetables. Any gifts that promote a sense of relaxation together are really considered cool.

Top 10 Wedding Gifts

The top ten wedding gifts depend so much on the couple involved but here is a list that will garner considerable interest.

1. Outdoor Entertaining items: These would include everything from special lighting to cooking devices and outdoor heat warmers or fire pits.

2. Kitchen Appliances either major such as stoves and fridges or simple coffee makers.

3. Quality Blankets and Bed sheets will be appreciated and useful. Buy items that are very neutral unless you know the likes of the people for whom you are buying.

4. Kitchen Gadgets and Accessories- A well -equipped kitchen seems to be high on the list of desirable items.

5. His and Hers Matching Watches or Jewelry. It is cool to have items that identify you as a couple.

6. A themed Bathroom set- A set of beautiful towels is very useful and well-received.

7. A Unique Clock- A grand father clock is exceptional but anniversary clocks are special.

8. A recreation package for them to enjoy. This would include the activities they enjoy doing together.

9. Outdoor benches, Gazebos, walking stones or solar-powered lights are very special.

10. Relaxation items- Chairs, pillows, mats or special pictures are special.


In conclusion, what is the best wedding gifts are determined by the values, interests and abilities of the couple involved and careful thought and reflections should be made in order to buy the present that will make a significant impression on the couple for whom the gift is being bought. I have provided many ideas and suggestions but they only tools you can use to reach your own conclusions.

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