What’s the 45th wedding anniversary gift? This anniversary is known as the sapphire anniversary, and both the traditional present and the modern present are the same. The classic version of sapphire is a deep, rich blue—like the color of the sea. The purest sapphires are created with a process of the cooling of igneous rocks. Igneous rocks, are created, when molten rock crystallizes and solidifies. The slower this process happens, the larger and more magnificent the Sapphires produced. Blue sapphires, are the most in demand and demand the greatest price. Blue sapphires come from India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Australia. The country of the world who has the most desired blue sapphires is India. This is produced in the beautiful northern area of Kashmir. Most experts have concluded that these remarkable gemstones are superb in both color and in quality. They are found up a mountain at 16,500 feet.
The sapphires from Montana’s Yogo Gulch in the United States have an unusual and attractive color of blue which is a teal that is close to the glacier-fed lakes in Canada. Although the most sought after sapphires are blue, they are actually available in a full spectrum of colors, including pink, orange, yellow, green, purple, violet, gray, black, and brown, as well as colorless. To determine a sapphires value, you will need to consider, Carat, Clarity, Color and Cut. Notice all four big “C’s.” It is because of these differences that their are many prices for this precious commodity, so the prices range from economical to very expensive. It is for this reason, that many colors are grades are sold and valued.
Our marriages are very similar to this remarkable stone. They are started by the passions, like burning magma. Just like these beautiful gems, the longer they take to cool, the more valuable and magnificent they can become. When our passion remains constant over many years, our marriage forms a very beautiful gem. Then if we provide the proper cuts, the beautiful clarity of the relationship shines. Hurts, in life, try to be abrasive and cause issues if not treated correctly, but if supported by genuine love these cuts only add to the beauty of the gem. As you can clearly see, this is so true about marriages of 45 years.
Anniversary Gifts Wife
There are many beautiful sapphires discussed later in this article. They definitely provide an extremely valued gift if searching for, “anniversary gifts wife,” There are many other worthwhile presents to consider. An exceptional one at his time would be a grand holiday. As you are now getting upwards in years, you should consider a lasting memory holiday if you are both healthy. This may be the last large trip that you will be able to plan, so why not make it spectacular? Why not plan a trip to the USA and Canada? Start your trip in Montana, USA. You can enjoy this area where teal sapphires are formed. Determine to visit the national parks in the area. Do not miss going to Yellowstone National Park.and Glacier National Park but if you have time you could include historical parks of this area, as well. From here go directly across the border into Canada. The following National Parks are of great value to visit and are visited by international visitors in large numbers each year, Banff, Jasper, Yoko and Kootenay National Parks are of incredible size and are home These parks are renowned for their scenic splendor and provide many opportunities to see wildlife and to enjoy features not found anywhere else in the world such as the Columbia Ice fields This will be an unforgettable trip and you can stop at the first international peace park shared between Canada and the USA. This park is called Waterton Lakes on the Canadian side and Glacier National Park on the USA side.
This might be your year to take a trip to India. As said previously the Kashmir area in northern India has great beauty and has the world’s’s most prized blue sapphires.

Some prominent animals found in Kashmir are Hangul, Markhor, Tibetan Wild Dog, Kashmir Musk Deer, Chiru, Tibetan Gazelle, Snow Leopard, and the Himalayan Tahr. India is home to 75% of the world’s tiger population as well as 60% of Asian elephant population and many are found in this northern area. Of course there are many sights and other areas of prominence if you choose to visit this famous land. Another spectacular way to celebrate this anniversary is to make a special collage of pencil drawings of the family on canvass and place it onto a large canvass frame with a special personalized message This can be accomplished through cartoon caricatures, also, which is very effective and special. This can all be put together by one of our professional artists and will make a beautiful large art work that can be hung in a prominent place. As you can easily see, these professional drawn images will be an inspiration to your entire family for years to come.
Anniversary Gift Husband
When you complete a search for, “anniversary gift husband,” you are very focused on finding that special present for your man. Over course, there are many jewelry choices that would be valuable picks for such an event, however; there are many other gifts you could buy. Did you know that Bombay Sapphire is the brand of a world-famous gin that is blue sapphire in color. Why not purchase a set of these to be delivered once a month throughout the year by your Liquor club membership? He would likely enjoy a new Luxe watch with a Sapphire blue face. Elegant sapphire blue crystal can be bought to celebrate your anniversary for the full year. The purchase of good quality blue sapphire sunglasses would be appreciated. If you enjoy the outdoor, why not buy a blue canoe? if he enjoys cooking, why not buy a blue colored appliance or an inscribed cutting board made especially to show your love ant this special time. Be willing to dream and to imagine the kind of things he would enjoy; making it the perfect way to his heart.
Traditional Anniversary Gifts for Each Year
Since both the traditional present and the modern gift is the same for this year, the traditional anniversary gifts for each, of course, is sapphire. There are many gifts of jewelry that are made of sapphire. There are rings, bracelets, neck laces, cuff links, pendants, earrings, and beautiful sapphire enhanced wedding rings so that you might refresh your original set. Maybe this would be a good time for a repeating of the marriage vows. As sapphires come in many colors, and have a range of prices; you don’t have to stick with blue but can change to one more affordable. Beyond this list, try to find objects that have a blue color. Especially a blue sapphire color. There are many kitchen items which include: Major appliances, china dishes, and minor appliances. Other household items that you could buy with this color, would be towels.bath towels, bed sheets, curtains, blankets, and some wall art. For outdoors, you can purchase motor bikes, canoes, boats etc- all in the appropriate color. If you are to be creative, with a limited budget, this would be one anniversary when it might be needed as selections of the theme gift is limited.
45th Wedding Anniversary Gifts
As variety of 45th anniversary gifts using the theme of sapphire is limited; this is the year to be very creative so focus on before and after pictures even as life-like drawings with professional artists or caricatures of family members. There are of course the personalized gifts that can be given: A set of two anniversary pillows, a special sheet with the names and a message, specially ordered dinner plates, or special china dishes, special art works of romantic music or poetry, special and polished rock greetings. The important thing is to add that extra touch.
The wedding anniversary gift by the year is sapphire, especially blue. If jewelry is not something that you desire, it will take creative planning in order to come up with the perfect gift.
These are really good tips for buying anniversary gifts. I love gift and get them often but I would honestly like to go on a trip for next anniversary. I buy clothes, perfume, good shoes, a belt for my husband’s anniversary. I mostly get jewerly, cosmetics or go somewhere on vacation.
A trip is always so special and remembered snf cheridhed.
The Saphire is a really beautiful stone and one of my favorite, but I must admit I would take the holiday over the stone any day. I am almost scared to own expensive jewelry now with all the crime and robberies going on. So I prefer to make memories with my money than buy more material possessions. I know of a few couples who have reached the 45 year milestone and I like the idea that you have given on the matching set of pillows. I think I will get that with their names embroidered on them.
I am glad, you found the site valuable for helping with gift buying.
All anniversaries are special, but to get to 45 years of marriage, is indeed commendable and should be celebrated in style. To sapphire as the traditional 45 year wedding gift, is quite befitting to mark such a special occasion. I never knew that India was the producer of the best sapphires and that they are actually found up a mountain in Kashmir at 16,500 feet.
My sister has their 45th wedding anniversary later this year, and this has given me some very good pointers to look for the perfect anniversary gift for them.
I am very glad you found some great suggestions, Please come again!